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Journey to Self-Discovery


Professional therapy for mental wellness:









“No-one sees and feels what you do, even if they feel and see it to”


At CLARITY, we empower our clients to accept who they are and where they are in the present.

Together we will use your past experiences to help and support you, to build your better future.

Commencing your Therapeutic Pathway together,


“Helping you find, a life worth living”

Our Philosophy

Everyone needs help, support and guidance at some point in their life. Everyone has struggles, problems, something they now, know they need specialist help to work through them.


Life!, things happen, priorities

shift and our circumstances change not always for the better or easy to cope with.  This is when we realise we need help, with our thoughts,

feelings, emotions and behaviours.  


Psychological Therapy is clinically proven to help with so many things, and has always been there and helpful for many people at some point in

their lives.  Yes, you are not alone, not anymore.




As a current AMACCPH Psychotherapist and registered specialist mental health nurse with current (NMC), Nursing and Midwifery Council active registration. I bring a wealth of clinical experience, therapy approaches and clinical skills that are combined with accredited registration with APT(Association of Psychological Therapies) with a Post Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy, BSc Mental Health Nursing and RAID approach. Our clients will get a uniquely confidentially thorough, professional bespoke service that is person centred and individual to their needs.


Having practised in psychiatry for over 20 years within recognised centres of clinical excellence within the NHS and private sector has afforded me a wealth and diverse of insights into managing, treating and promoting mental health struggles. I have worked in many different areas within the field of psychiatry, including primary care, Child and adolescent mental health services, Forensic healthcare, PICU (Psychiatric intensive care Units. Female secure psychiatric care , Acute Admissions. More intensive therapist training and therapy input in Private Addictions Services as a Clinical Nurse Specialist/Therapist, Forensic Learning Difficulty Units, Elderly mental health Care and with Psychological Therapist with Private clients.

I Specialise in challenging behaviours, personality disorders, maladaptive behavioural issues and mood disorders. Motivational issues, I also currently maintain a professional working relationship with the NHS and other professional bodies.




Opening Hours


Visit Us Today

Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

What is Clarity Therapy

A private confidential and client focused psychotherapeutic service, our accredited therapists also have current NMC Mental Health Nurse registration that adds further professional clinical expertise. With over 20 years clinical experience and a wealth of further specialist therapy training, assures a highly skilled approach in treating mental health issues through specialist clinically proven and evidence-based talking therapies.

What is Talk Therapy

We also have professional links and access to a clinically innovative Consultant Psychiatrist with bases in Harley Street London and Glasgow City Centre. We offer a liaison service to your own GP for assessed supplementary medication if necessary and if authorised by you.  

Psychotherapy (Talk Therapy) refers to a collaborative variety of treatments that identify and change problematic and life interfering thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Psychotherapy takes place in 1:1 private session or with other clients in group sessions. There are three main components of treatment success;

• Client characteristics

• Evidenced based therapy practices.

• The Client-Therapist therapeutic relationship

The most successful outcomes are when the clients are motivated and committed to the therapeutic process.

Psychotherapy is an effective treatment for clients who don’t respond to antidepressants for example.




How we and our body reacts and feels when we are under pressure or feel threatened. We experience stress when we are in a situation that you don't feel you can manage or control as you would normally.



Are you feeling irritable or uneasy, worried or fearful, with sensations or thoughts that can be mild, troubling or severe?



Are you feeling unhappy or hopeless, suffer low self-esteem and finding no pleasure in things you usually do enjoy? Do you isolate yourself due to stressful events, personality issues, family issues, or giving birth, etc?

Do you have trouble controlling your emotions and how you act on those feelings?


Mental Health

Do you struggle with your mental health, thoughts, feelings, symptoms, fluctuations and behaviours dealing with life situations and events?

Carer Fatigue

Contact us for further information if you are tired, low in energy and self-esteem or do you feel self isolated? Has your 'Get up and go', got up and went?

Addiction Issues

Contact us for further information if you are finding it hard to reduce or abstain from alcohol, drug, vape, technology or social media.

Emotional Dysregulation

Do you have trouble controlling your emotions and how you act on those feelings?

Mental Health MOT

Whether for personal or professional purposes, looking after your psychological and physical health is vitally important. Contact us for a Mental Health and Wellbeing MOT, your annual check up with CLARITY.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - ACT

ACT moves away from focusing too closely on ‘symptom reduction’ towards teaching our client how to live in a stable and rewarding way. This therapy teaches how to get in touch with your values, how to act in accordance with them, how to be aware of the “you” that is always there, how to see your passing thoughts and feelings for just that, how to accept thoughts and feelings you don’t like without over-struggling with them, and so how to live mainly in the present.


The main outcome of ACT as a therapy is to foster 'psychological flexibility' in recognition that life will have its problems, ups and downs, and being flexible enables us to cope and live in a stable and rewarding way that keeps you in touch with your values.


Compassion Focused Therapy - CFT

CFT provides an important new perspective on the therapeutic process. Of course, all therapists endeavour to be compassionate towards their patients, but compassion focused therapy is more about teaching patients to be compassionate towards themselves. This involves you and your therapist understanding the tug of war that takes place between the different systems and sections of the brain; understanding that everybody has competing fears, fantasies, ambitions, rules for how they should be, and so on. Such an understanding of what takes place in the brain enables our clients to take a more compassionate view of how they think, feel and behave at different times, and to move forward to overcome specific problems, whether these problems are of depression, anxiety, irritability, impulsiveness, or any other.


Solution Focused Therapy - SFT

The principles of SFT/SFBT in a way that gives you a firm grasp of them and enables you to use them in a safe and helpful way. You should become at home with the approach which is often seen as a 'breath of fresh air' both to our client and your therapist, our therapist aims to empower our clients and help the find effective solutions for problems, rather than being sucked further and further into analysing and discussing the problem itself.


Dialectical Behavioural Therapy - DBT

DBT is a powerful therapeutic approach originally developed by Marsha Linehan for the treatment of borderline personality disorder and now applied across a range of challenging conditions. It relies on teaching core life skills such as mindfulness, how to regulate your emotions, how to tolerate distress, and how to be effective interpersonally, and then helping patients maintain their motivation and resolve ongoing problems as they apply these skills in a planned way.


Reinforce Appropriate, Implode Disruptive - RAID

RAID® is a relentlessly positive approach for tackling disturbed and challenging behaviour at source: it is a leading approach, it is a comprehensive therapeutic system which teaches our clients a philosophy and practice not only to deal with their disturbed and challenging behaviour when it occurs, but also to prevent it by nurturing positive behaviour targeted to displace the disturbed and challenging behaviour.



It is an essential part of most therapies and therapy providers to use ‘Homework’

We like to use the word “Prep” instead, by rehearsing or recalling information repeatedly, your neural networks (in the brain) strengthen.

Why we give you Prep throughout your therapy, to release thoughts and emotions into your Prep between therapy sessions to bring to the next session.

When you study what you have learned regularly over a long period, the pathways in your brain that are involved in remembering that information become stronger.

This will help you to make the most out of your goals of therapy and putting you back in control of your life.

The sense of empowerment you can gain from practicing your new coping skills, setting appropriate boundaries, that you have set and redirecting your own cognitive distortions is something a therapist can’t give you in the therapy session.

This is something you give yourself. Therapy Prep is how you come to the realisation that you have “got” this, and that you can do it which will boost your confidence.

Regardless the type of therapy, the most effective kind of ‘Prep’ is when you don’t even realise you were assigned it.

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